Want to know how to impress your CFI within seconds of walking into the club? This is how!
We'll keep this short and sweet and make it a checklist. Links for tools are listed below:
Know your 91.103 preflight actions and have them ready to brief
Weather - 1800wxbrief.com
Known ATC Delays - NASstatus.faa.gov
Runways - Lengths, widths, and composition
Alternates - where are we going if we can't make it to our destination or back home?
Fuel - Know your POH, see below
Takeoff and Landing distances - POH
Know your climb performance, route, cruise performance, and descent
If we're going cross country - have the plan ready on a paper planner and chart
if we are planning on doing maneuvers - on a paper planner and chart: plan a route to a "release point" such as a visual waypoint at the practice area. Calculate desired fuel for maneuvers, and plan a "reentry waypoint" from which you can navigate back home.
Have your fuel planned
Unusable fuel
Legal minimums
Fuel calculations for your route or maneuvers
Personal Mins
Weight and Balance calculated
Remember the equation Weight x Arm = Moment
CG = total moment/total weight
Know your V speeds and what they mean
Know your Emergency Procedures (Bold Face)
Be ready to brief your maneuvers. Use these as a guide:
Airplane Flying Handbook -
Purpose of the maneuver
How to fly the maneuver
Sketch the maneuver
Common errors
Airman Certification Standard
Parameters (plus or minus 100ft, etc)
Your weak areas
Test yourself daily to identify your weak areas and be ready to ask questions
Required documents
Aircraft - ARROW
Pilot - PMPL (photo ID, medical, pilot certificate, logbook)
Know your aircraft's next inspections
AVIATES acronym
Airworthiness directives
VOR - 30 days for IFR
Inspections - Annual/100hr
Altimeter -24 months
Transponder - 24 months
ELT- 12 months
Remember! Aviation isn't inherently dangerous, but it is unforgiving! Sweat the small stuff. Show up prepared! Impress your CFI!
Through Readiness and Discipline we are the masters of our fate!
Here are some tools and products that can help:
Seattle Sectional (Chart): https://amzn.to/3xvRNgk
Flight planner pad: https://amzn.to/4cKVizJ
Plotter: https://amzn.to/4alX2hn
Kneeboard: https://amzn.to/3PHdKzw
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